Matchless Exposure is a branded name for Creative Director Christina Feddersen to showcase individuals and businesses with creative innovation and elite representation.

Christina has had multiple Rolling Stone Country Magazine image publishings, published once in Billboard, twice by Paste, and once by People Babies. Her creative direction, photography, and graphic design have been featured in album packaging for Grammy nominated bands.  Her creative services have successfully branded businesses to grow to corporate levels excessing up to 20% increase in audience attraction in 6 months. Resulting in up to an 11 % increase in revenue within a 10 - month tenure facilitated by influential marketing utilizing in-house sales data, relatable graphics and demographically specific advertisements.

Story Behind The Flame.

When a match is struck, it burns delicately as chemical energy in it produces thermal energy, causing particles to release chemical energy. 

Then as the chemical energy transforms into light energy, a flame flickers to life.  A simple gesture creates an opportunity to become brighter than before. It’s a matter of recognizing the right time to strike and how to keep the flame burning.

Her creative services have successfully branded businesses to grow to corporate levels, excessing up to a 20% increase in audience attraction in 6 months. This growth has resulted in up to an 11% increase in revenue within a 10-month tenure facilitated by influential marketing utilizing in-house sales data, relatable graphics, and demographically specific advertisements.

Matchless Exposure offers creative direction, photography, videography, graphic design, content marketing, and creative management. Every piece of marketing material produced fits into real-time trends and is engaging to the designated social media platform desired and appropriate audiences.